Let me personally invite you to the worship services at TBC. Let me assure you that you are among gracious and friendly people… so please don’t be nervous! I hope you feel right at home and enjoy participating in the worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Whether you are seeking a new start, just moved into the area, or looking for a deeper walk of faith, TBC may just be the right fit for you. I know you will enjoy the services and leave a changed person… God wants to meet with you in a personal way TODAY!
In today’s culture and situations we know that there are times we need a new beginning. We have a desire to once again sense our purpose, understand our meaning and direction of life, and most of all encounter God in a real way that touches our real lives. With TBC, you can begin a journey that will result in a great personal transformation because of God’s love and care for you.
Our mission at TBC is very simple, “to glorify God the Father by enjoying and obeying Him; to proclaim the death and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ, spreading His gospel to all peoples; and to serve one another through the power and love of the Holy Spirit.” Trinity Baptist Church is a spiritual family, connected by our common faith in and commitment to Jesus Christ.
Pastor Jeff Beshears