The Story of The Good Samaritan

The story of the good Samaritan… it’s interesting that the Scripture tells us the priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan ALL saw the man wounded and half-dead.

The priest saw him and continued on his journey well on the other side of the road. The Levite saw him, and came near to inspect the wounded man…then went to the other side of the road and passed by. The Samaritan saw him, came near to him, and gave aid both for the immediate needs and those that would arise in the days following.

The Samaritan demonstrated (by his actions toward the half-dead man) the kind of character, ministry, and vision Jesus calls us to share with those in our communities.

Sometimes we see without really seeing! They are all around us… the castaways of society, the children of broken up homes, the burned out couples tired of keeping up an image they can’t afford… half-dead people in  need of compassion! They need God’s people  who will look on them not as the priest and Levite did… but rather as the Samaritan who extended grace and mercy.

Time and effort are of the essence if we are to see an impact of the gospel ministry in our communities. As Robert Lewis mentioned in his book, Irresistible Influence, we must build bridges into our communities rather than isolate ourselves. This strategy seeks to meet the needs of those around us with the gospel of Christ being our motivation! People need the Lord!!!

God  continues to calibrate our vision to see (seek out) those here on the new field of ministry service. Georgette and I have purposed in our hearts to turn over every rock, look into every byway, and shake the hedges to find those half-dead individuals in need of compassion…here in Eastern Oklahoma, Western Arkansas, and to the ends of the earth. We are  salt and light to people, many of whom are experiencing the greatest crisis of their life. We  can… because you share in this ministry with us.